#!/bin/bash # Install asdf test -d $HOME/.asdf || git clone https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf.git $HOME/.asdf source $HOME/.asdf/asdf.sh source $HOME/.asdf/completions/asdf.bash # Install plugins and tools declare -a tools tools+=(shellcheck) tools+=(direnv) tools+=(lazygit) tools+=(jq yq) tools+=(kubectl helm k9s) tools+=(vault) tools+=(terraform terragrunt) tools+=(ripgrep exa bat dust delta) for tool in "${tools[@]}" do echo echo "-- Installing ${tool}" asdf plugin add ${tool} asdf install ${tool} latest asdf global ${tool} latest done # Install extra plugins and tools # lsd echo echo "-- Installing lsd" asdf plugin add lsd https://github.com/mise-plugins/asdf-lsd/ asdf install lsd latest asdf global lsd latest # Mcfly echo echo "-- Installing mcfly" asdf plugin add mcfly https://github.com/barolab/asdf-mcfly.git asdf install mcfly latest asdf global mcfly latest # Broot echo echo "-- Installing broot" asdf plugin add broot https://github.com/cmur2/asdf-broot.git asdf install broot latest asdf global broot latest