Add inputrc

This commit is contained in:
Xavier Logerais 2014-08-29 15:17:59 +02:00
parent be588faf37
commit 288b8fa122
2 changed files with 67 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ CONFDIR=.bash
ln -sf $CONFDIR/bash_profile .bash_profile ln -sf $CONFDIR/bash_profile .bash_profile
ln -sf $CONFDIR/bashrc .bashrc ln -sf $CONFDIR/bashrc .bashrc
ln -sf $CONFDIR/bash_logout .bash_logout ln -sf $CONFDIR/bash_logout .bash_logout
ln -sf $CONFDIR/inputrc .inputrc

inputrc Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Include system config file
$include /etc/inputrc
# do not bell on tab-completion
set bell-style none
# Disable display of ^C
set echo-control-characters off
# Completion options
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set show-all-if-unmodified on
# History
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
# backword/forward during search history
# Alt+w Alt+x for beginning/end of line
# prepend "tail -f " with Ctrl+Alt+f
"\e\C-f":"\C-atail -f "
"\ef":"\C-atail -f "
# prepend "sudo " with Ctrl+Alt+s
"\e\C-s":"\C-asudo "
"\es":"\C-asudo "
# prepend "yes | " with Ctrl+Alt+y
"\e\C-y":"\C-ayes | "
"\ey":"\C-ayes | "
# append " | grep" with Ctrl+Alt+g
"\e\C-g":"\C-e | grep "
"\eg":"\C-e | grep "
# append " | head" with Ctrl+Alt+h
"\e\C-h":"\C-e | head"
"\eh":"\C-e | head"
# append " | tail" with Ctrl+Alt+t
"\e\C-t":"\C-e | tail"
"\et":"\C-e | tail"
# append " | more" with Ctrl+Alt+m
"\e\C-m":"\C-e | more"
"\em":"\C-e | more"
# append " | less" with Ctrl+Alt+l
"\e\C-l":"\C-e | less"
"\el":"\C-e | less"
# we can add \C-m add the end to validate command too
#"\e\C-m":"\C-e | less\C-m"
# prepend "man " with F1 and validate
"\e[11~":"\C-aman \C-m"
# Launch commands with <F2> then letter