diff --git a/lua/custom/plugins/astrocore.lua b/lua/custom/plugins/astrocore.lua index 0eceb6c..cbd3458 100644 --- a/lua/custom/plugins/astrocore.lua +++ b/lua/custom/plugins/astrocore.lua @@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ return { -- [""] = { "Telescope help_tags", desc = "Find help with Telescope" }, [""] = { "Neotree toggle", desc = "File Explorer" }, -- F26 corresponds to on my keyboard - [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd "lazygit" end, desc = "Lazygit terminal" }, -- F27 corresponds to on my keyboard - [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd "tig" end, desc = "Tig terminal" }, -- F28 corresponds to on my keyboard + [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd({cmd="lazygit", direction="float"}) end, desc = "Lazygit terminal" }, -- F27 corresponds to on my keyboard + [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd({cmd="tig", direction="float"}) end, desc = "Tig terminal" }, -- F28 corresponds to on my keyboard }, -- Insert mode i = { [""] = { "Neotree toggle", desc = "File Explorer" }, -- F26 corresponds to on my keyboard - [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd "lazygit" end, desc = "Lazygit terminal" }, -- F27 corresponds to on my keyboard - [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd "tig" end, desc = "Tig terminal" }, -- F28 corresponds to on my keyboard + [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd({cmd="lazygit", direction="float"}) end, desc = "Lazygit terminal" }, -- F27 corresponds to on my keyboard + [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd({cmd="tig", direction="float"}) end, desc = "Tig terminal" }, -- F28 corresponds to on my keyboard }, -- Terminal mode @@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ return { [""] = false, [""] = false, -- My terms - [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd "lazygit" end, desc = "Lazygit terminal" }, -- F27 corresponds to on my keyboard - [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd "tig" end, desc = "Tig terminal" }, -- F28 corresponds to on my keyboard + [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd({cmd="lazygit", direction="float"}) end, desc = "Lazygit terminal" }, -- F27 corresponds to on my keyboard + [""] = { function() require("astrocore").toggle_term_cmd({cmd="tig", direction="float"}) end, desc = "Tig terminal" }, -- F28 corresponds to on my keyboard }, }, },